Earlier this month I traveled to the Dominican Republic...alone. I've had a whirlwind of a year - graduating college, getting promoted, moving home, etc. So I haven't had a ton of time to focus on myself and recharge. And that was what this trip was all about - me.
I've always loved being around people. I find that my mood typically reflects that of the people around me, so when I'm left alone for too long my mood gets weird. But I've been working through that. I spent the first chunk of my vacay solo, kind of shying away to other people. "I'm here to be alone," I would tell myself. After a few days though, I made some friends and it was a blast. I spent the days being a beach bum, drinking pina coladas and reading. My nights were spent with my new friends drinking Presidente and dancing at the resort's club.
I learned a lot about myself during my stay in the DR. I learned that I need time alone to be able to do as I please without other people's input. I also learned that I hate getting set into a routine. I need change, even though change has always been something I've been afraid of. This trip helped me get in touch with myself and I really hope that I'll be able to get another opportunity like this in the future.
If you're looking for a little change in scenery and some me-time, do it, go on vacation alone. You won't be sorry!