Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Mornings

Happy Monday, world! I hope everyone had a good weekend and feels happy and recharged for the coming week! 

My weekend was a little crazy. Having some downtime to see friends for the past few weekends has been amazing, but getting back in the school saddle has not been. Why do homework when I can just go through my photos from last weekend one more time? When am I seeing all my hometown friends again? Yeah, it's hard to return to projects and homework after having a good time off from it, even for a few days. The important thing is to live in the moment, I'll see my friends again soon. This is one challenge that I have experienced this semester at school. It has been very difficult for me to focus on my classes at times. I have to keep reminding myself that school is just a temporary part of my life, but it is something that I have to do.

I hope this little elephant mug made you smile a little. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Eggplant Fries For Days

If anyone were ever to want to stalk me, the best place to find me is in Refuge Cafe in Allston Village. I go there a lot to do homework and sip iced coffee. I could also sit there and eat their eggplant fries for days...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

King Richard's Faire

If there is one fall tradition that I love, it's my annual trip to King Richard's Faire! What other fall activity allows you to dress up in medieval garb and wander around with a sword? I mean I guess…Halloween, but whatever. 

I've got to admit, this was my first time going to the faire since high school, but it honestly felt like I had never been away. The people and characters were still as friendly as they had been three years ago. 

We couldn't have asked for better weather either. We had originally planned on going to the faire couple weeks back, but were unable to due the rain. With the bright autumn sun shinning bright overhead, we walked through the fairgrounds, sipping hot apple cider and eating our giant turkey legs (not me…#vegetarianprobz) What better way to spend a sunny Sunday?

Photos taken by me and Trent.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Club 21

This Columbus Day weekend I got to spend some time with one of my best friends. Lexii turned 21 on Saturday so naturally we had to share a birthday drink together! Her family took us all out for dinner at Grazie. I hadn't been back since working there last summer so it was great to be back! The food was just as good as I remembered and the drinks…well it feels good to finally be old enough to order them!

Welcome to club 21, Lex, so glad that I could be there to celebrate with you!

Photos taken by me and Jeff

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fly Away

It's back to the shire for me this weekend! I'll be sure take lots and lot of photos! Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!

Friday, October 10, 2014


I went and saw Warpaint at the Royale on Wednesday night. I cannot even describe how epic it was. 

If someone were ever to force me to pick my favorite girl band, I would have definitely have to go with these babes. Unlike a lot of the girl bands you hear these days, these girls really know how to compose and produce a song. It's not your typical, girly-poppy sound - there sound is a edgier, almost hauntingly good. Their stage presence was great simply because they didn't care. They were dancing around and singing like they were in a room full of friends. That's how I think a show should be.

Even the opener was good! I hate to admit it, but I'm one of those people who typically don't care much for most opening bands. Guy Blakeslee was an exception. To me, if I see that a musician is really singing from the heart, I'm totally on board. This guy did that. He belted it and it was awesome. Also, would LOVE to steal his white on white ensemble. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Beantown Pho

My wonderful aunt took my out for lunch over the weekend. This was really only the beginning of what would turn out to be the best weekend I a have spent in Boston so far. We met up and were unsure where we wanted to go. We had exhausted our usual places in the Back Bay area and were in the food for something new. We found just that nestled a few blocks down on Newbury Street. Beantown Pho has got to be one of the most adorable spots in Back Bay. It pretty much had my name on it - give me some pho noodles, fish cake, and some bubble tea in mason jars to top it off and I was in heaven. The food was delicious. Seriously, if you haven't gone you NEED to try this place out!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Guiding Hand

Happy birthday to my guiding hand. I am so grateful for all that you taught me about life and love. Without you, this blog would never have come to be.

I love you more, Mama Bear.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Surprise Visit!

This past week was rough. And I mean rough. There was just a lot going on in my life (school, work, etc.) Lately I have really felt pretty wound tight. Jacky saw just how stressed I was this week and decided to surprise me by inviting John and Lexii down for the weekend. I cannot even describe my level of happiness when I discovered that they were coming down to see me. I really am lucky to have these three amazing souls in my life.

It was John and Lexii's first time at our apartment so we spent the weekend showing them around Allston Village. We discovered a great brunch spot on Harvard St. - "Union." I'm pretty picky about my iced coffee, but there was so good I had to order a second before I rushed off to work. 

Although their visit was short, it was just enough to relax and rejuvenate me for the coming week. 

Thanks so much guys, I don't know what I would do without you.