Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. John Photo Diary (Part 1)

For the past two years, I haven't done much for spring break. I've taken a few days off of work and gone home, but that's about it.

This year I traveled to the Virgin Islands with my aunt and cousin. 

My grandma and her siblings used to come St. John every winter. They would stay for two weeks in the cottage closest to the water and spend their days reading and wading in the water. My aunt figured that it was about time that Mikaela and I got to experience the beauty of the Virgin Islands first hand. 

Those of you who follow me on Instagram probably experienced a sudden bomb of photos of clear blue waters, white sand, and the comedic snorkel photo of me and my cousin, Mikaela. Our trip was full of that. Sun, salt, and ice cream - lots of ice cream.

Here's my first batch of photos! More to come soon!

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